BRLSI and Green Initiatives 

Green Initiatives at BRLSI


Did you know Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution is fast becoming the home for environmental talks and sustainability groups in Bath? If you are interested in all things eco, you might want to find out more about how the BRLSI is involved in the greener side of life!

Our recently started Green Initiatives Facebook group is dedicated to sharing the latest news, events, and discussions on key environmental subjects such as wildlife decline, renewable energies, pollution, and innovative green practices. You can stay informed with expert-led talks and presentations, get involved in upcoming events, and join a vibrant community passionate about making a positive impact on our planet. Engage in meaningful discussions, exchange ideas, and discover actionable insights to promote a more sustainable future. If you would like to join then follow this link

Here are some upcoming talks at BRLSI which may also spark your interest!

This Thursday, Dr Helen Liang gives a talk on ‘How can plastics be recycled?’. Dr Liang takes a deep dive into the complexities of plastic recycling and questions how we can use material resources sustainably. Becoming ever more important in today’s world, the talk will celebrate progress and sheds some light on the road ahead.

Following her talk, next week we have an interesting discussion from Dr Ben Aldiss with ‘Who’s afraid of the big bad wasp?’. As we are approaching wasp season, this talk will explore why they sting us, their amazing abilities, the uses of wasps and most importantly how to avoid being stung!

If you want to learn more, head to our YouTube channels where you can watch some of our previous talks such as Insect Declines, Biodiversity and the State of Nature. Professor Stuart Reynolds discusses evidence that insectivorous birds are already in trouble, and examines what can be done about the problem, watch it here –

To view all the talks on BRLSI’s Green YouTube stream follow:

And for the full BRLSI programme, where sustainability talks appear all the time, follow

We can’t wait to see you at BRLSI!


BRLSI News, General News
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