BRLSI + University of Bath meets Dragons’ Den!


Four talks at BRLSI this autumn celebrate the power of research in society. In conjunction with the University of Bath, we present Innovation with Impact – looking at what happens when local academics and researchers take on everyday issues and find solutions to tackle them.

On Tuesday 8 October, this year’s cohort of the University Alumni Innovation Award put forward their exciting startup ideas!

These include Estudiamos, an online language learning platform for GCSE and A-level students; VibeStride, an augmented reality app aimed at making PE more fun for teenage girls; Taigh Companion, which looks to provide smart home technology to care environments to help people live independently for longer; and FrameSports, a real-time AI platform to provide team and individual player level data during rugby matches. You can get your tickets for this lively evening via the links below.


Early in September, Professor Chris Pudney talked with passion about his device to detect the drug Spice and looked at Spice’s insidious impact on schools & young people (read a BBC News article on this). A thought-provoking, if sobering talk, but one which demonstrated perfectly how academic research can reach beyond university walls and play an important part in young people’s lives. This talk will be available on our YouTube channel later this autumn – see here to watch more past talks!

Later this autumn, Dr Millicent Stone exhalts the power of entrepreneurship to link academia and industry. And David Kelly and Dr Andrew Chalmers discuss their antibody search engine which helps 800,000 researchers every year!

Go to our What’s On page to see all our upcoming talks, or individual talks in this series are listed here – tickets are free (or an optional £3):

8.10.24 – Bath entrepreneurs of the future! Alumni Innovation Award winners – book here

12.11.24 – Seizing the future: the power of innovation & entrepreneurship – book here

20.11.24 – The Bath search engine revolutionising drug discovery – book here






Economics and Business, Science
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