Rediscovering Jane Austen at BRLSI

Jane Austen


Jane Austen may only have lived in Bath for five years, arriving in 1801 with her family, and leaving in 1806 after the death of her father, but she left an indelible impression on the city – becoming one of its most famous former residents. Bath clearly made an impression on her too: it features regularly in her novels and two of them (Persuasion and Northanger Abbey) are set here. With the annual Jane Austen Festival about to fill the city streets with Austen fans, the Jane Austen Centre and the Regency delights of Number One Royal Crescent, the Pump Rooms and the Assembly Rooms – all of which would have been familiar to Austen herself – on the doorstep, BRLSI sits at the heart of Austen’s Bath.

From talks on Austen’s attitude to the slave trade to her views on the marriage market; from a glimpse at the treasures of Austen’s house in Hampshire to how she might speak to Taylor Swift’s generation of young women, BRLSI’s video archive contains a wealth of exclusive Austen-related gems.

So whether you’re getting ready to don your bonnet and reticule to join the Jane Austen Festival’s annual costume parade – or you’ve just missed out on tickets to our sold-out talk on Dress and Diversion in Jane Austen’s Bath, BRLSI’s Rediscovering Jane Austen series of recorded virtual talks is bound to have something for you.

Rediscover Jane Austen with BRLSI here.


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